As part of the Scope of Work survey, the WFA & Decideware explored the entire Scope of Work...
Rate Cards: 2014 WFA/Decideware Scope of Work Survey Series - Part 7
As part of the Scope of Work survey, the WFA & Decideware explored the Scope of Work process, including rate cards. We looked to explore rate card usage as well as the level of detail agencies provide for cost. Below are the results as well as commentary from the WFA regarding the findings:
Agency Rate Cards
Have you negotiated rate cards on the following?
WFA Commentary
- Naturally almost all respondents have negotiated rate cards of some kind with their agencies.
- Some remuneration models exist whereby this is not done as part of the calculation of fees, but even in those it is often included in the assessment of the resources needed to complete projects.
- Staffing rate cards are most common with almost 97% having negotiated these. Deliverable rate cards are less well used (especially in the creative space), but are still undertaken by 75% of respondents.
Level of Detail for Costs
At what level of detail do you ask you agency to provide their costs?
WFA Commentary
- SOW detail is a very mixed picture.
- The responses above for each level of detail are scattered across multiple options, showing that there is not necessarily a “right” option.
- However some options are more detailed than others and therefore require more work to identify that KPI, cost it out and propose a budget.
- Balancing this level of detail (which may or may not be required in order to remunerate the agency) is important for procurement teams and their marketing counterparts.
The World Federation of Advertisers, in conjunction with Decideware, conducted a survey to provide a better understanding of how major advertisers manage their scope of work programs.
The survey was conducted as a partnership between the WFA and Decideware in early summer 2014. Nineteen companies took part in this global research with responses coming mainly from marketing sourcing specialists. While results are not statistically relevant, they are indicative of the thoughts and actions of global multinationals within WFA membership.
For additional details regarding this survey, please visit: